Community College Leadership Program
CCLP DOCTORAL PROGRAM_SUMMER 2025 START INFORMATION SESSION MARCH 21, 2025 CCLP cohort in Summer 2025 CCLP VIRTUAL IV ePortfolio Summer 2025 Example StartBased on demand, the Community College Leadership Program (CCLP) of Kansas State University will start its CCLP cohort in Summer 2025, which is scheduled to begin May 27, 2025
Awards and Pubications
Congratulations to Dr. Neil Lingle, Dr. Terry Calaway, and Dr. Margaretta Mathis, and on your article in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, Roueche Center Forum
Congratulations, Dr. McPhail, on your article in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, Roueche Center Forum
We would like to share our excitement and link to the recently published Terry O’Banion Archive on Community Colleges.
“Terry O'Banion is one of the most prolific and provocative authors in the community college world. In his 63 years working in community colleges, he has written over 300 published works on the community college represented by hundreds of his articles, chapters, and monographs featured on his new website “The Terry O'Banion Papers.” Organized in 15 categories these publications are now available free of charge to practitioners, researchers, and anyone interested in the community college by accessing Please feel free to share this link with colleagues, friends, and organizations.”
Publication - Leadership Abstracts
Workforce & Economic Mobility Ready – or Not: Will California Close its Skills Gap?
Occasional Paper, December 2023
Priorities From the Field: A National Study of Community College Conference Program, (PDF)By Terry O’Banion
Perceived Impact of a Doctoral Community College Leadership Program at College of the Desert, by Jessica Enders
Katie Haar Named Nadinne Cruz Community Engagement Professional Award Winner
The award celebrates the ethical leadership and advocacy demonstrated by Community Engagement Professionals. Recipients have demonstrated collaboration with communities focused on transformative change; a commitment to justice-oriented work; and an impact on the larger movement to build ethical and effective community engagement locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Diverse Magazine
Congratultions, Dr. Gonzales, on your achievement, as the 2023 Diverse Champion Award Recipient!!
We are most proud and excited that Dr. CharMaine Hines, Vice Chancellor, Academic Accountability and Policy, Wayne County Community College District, and Kansas State University CCLP graduate, is the recipient of the 2022 Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in Social Sciences.
The award was presented to Dr. Hines for her dissertation, Minority Community College CEOs Perception of Underrepresentation, Preparation and Ascension to the Presidency. “Dr. Hines’ achievement has brought significant recognition and prestige to herself, the CCLP Program, and the University,” stated Terry Calaway, Ed.D., President Emeritus, Johnson County Community College and Chair, K-State, CCLP Advisory Board.
“We are honored that Dr. Hines’ dissertation was recognized by the Council of Graduate Schools as this work is foundational to our understanding of minority community college leaders’ preparation toward the presidency. The Roueche Community College Leadership Program produces timely and impactful research, and we are most proud of Dr. Hines’ scholarly contribution to the field,” affirmed Debbie Mercer, Ph.D., Dean and Professor, College of Education, Kansas State University.
“It is the first time in the history of the K-State’s Graduate School that one of our alums has received this very, very, competitive recognition (CGS’s membership is over 500 graduate schools). Dr. Hines’ award is a recognition of her hard work as well as an acknowledgement of the very high quality of K-State University’s graduate programs,” Dr. Claudia Petrescu, Vice Provost of Graduate Education and Dean, Graduate School.
Congratulations, Dr. Hines!
Margaretta B. Mathis, Senior Director and Professor of Practice, John E. Roueche Center for Community College Leadership, College of Education, Kansas State University
2022 Inaugural Bellwether Outstanding Dissertation Award Recipient Announced
We are most proud and excited that Dr. Pamela Stegeman, College of the Desert (CA) Associate Professor, and Kansas State University CCLP graduate, is the recipient of the Inaugural 2022 Bellwether Outstanding Dissertation Award.
The award was presented to Dr. Stegeman for her study, Characteristics of Collaborative Community College/Economic Development Organization Partnerships: A Multiple Case Study. Dr. Margaretta Mathis, who co-chaired Dr. Stegeman’s dissertation committee with Dr. Terry Calaway, stated, “With nightly news focused on a skilled labor shortage, Dr. Stegeman’s dissertation is timely in examining critical success factors for successful partnerships between US community colleges and economic development organizations to attract new employers with middle-skills jobs and enhance economic development.” “Pam’s background provided insights to businesses and community colleges, further lending credibility and strength to her study” affirmed Dr. Terry Calaway, President Emeritus, Johnson County Community College and Chair, K-State CCLP National Advisory Board.
Congratulations, Dr. Stegeman!
Margaretta B. Mathis, Senior Director and Professor of Practice, John E. Roueche Center for Community College Leadership, College of Education, Kansas State University
Inaugural CCLP-STEM Fellowship
Congratulations to DeDe Griffith, Vice President for Workforce Development at Temple College and Kansas State University CCLP student, a recipient of the first CCPI-STEM Fellowship.
The fellowship is one of several initiatives of the Community College Presidents’ Initiative in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math CCPI-STEM that aims to strengthen community college faculty and administrators and nurture their leadership skills to grow and diversify the STEM technician workforce. “I am pleased that DeDe was selected as a member of the inaugural cohort of CCPI-STEM Fellows, and I am looking forward to the work of the Fellows to inform and raise the profile of technological programs in community colleges,” stated George R. Boggs, Ph.D., Superintendent/ President Emeritus, Palomar College; President and CEO Emeritus, American Association of Community Colleges; and, Chair, Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors.
The CCPI-STEM Fellows program is funded by an Advanced Technological Education grant from the National Science Foundation and provides an honorarium of $5,000 annually for two years to each of the individuals, who were selected through a nationally competitive process. The first cohort of CCPI-STEM Fellows is comprised of six individuals who are pursuing graduate degrees and conducting research related to STEM education and workforce development at community colleges.
In addition to their graduate studies and research, the Fellows are expected to participate in professional development and mentoring activities to prepare them for future STEM leadership roles in community colleges.
Congratulations, Ms. Griffiths!
Margaretta B. Mathis, Senior Director and Professor of Practice, John E. Roueche Center for Community College Leadership, College of Education, Kansas State University