Vision, Mission and Conceptual Framework

Our Vision:

"Preparing educators to be knowledgeable, ethical, caring decision makers for a diverse and changing world."

Our Mission is fulfilled through:

  • the delivery of exemplary instruction to students at the undergraduate and graduate levels;
  • production, interpretation, and dissemination of sound and useful research and scholarship;
  • leadership, collaboration, and service within the profession;
  • and promotion, understanding, and celebration of diversity.

Conceptual Framework for the Preparation of Professional Educators

Conceptual Framework graphicOur Conceptual Framework serves as the guide for fulfilling our vision of preparing educators to be knowledgeable, ethical, caring decision makers for a diverse and changing world. The K-State College of Education strives to address three major areas in preparing the teachers of tomorrow:

  1. General Education – courses and experiences that help students develop theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding related to the arts, communications, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, sciences, and the social studies.

  2. Content Area Studies – courses and experiences provide students opportunities to master the structure, skills, concepts, ideas, values, facts, and methods of inquiry unique to their discipline.

  3. Professional Studies – courses and clinical and field-based experiences ensure that students understand and apply appropriate strategies for meeting individual learning needs in the diverse educational environment. Professional studies courses and experiences are designed to address the following four categories: Perspectives and Preparation, Learning Environment, Instruction and Professionalism.

Conceptual Framework Standards and Dispositions

K-State College of Education Conceptual Framework poster (PDF)

K-State College of Education Vision and Mission poster (PDF)

K-State College of Education Diversity Proficiencies poster (PDF)

ISTE Technology Standards for Educators