Coloring With the Cats

All profits from the sale of this coloring book will benefit students preparing to be art educators in the College of Education. We thank you for your support!

Coloring with the Cats book cover

PRICE: $5.00 each

(includes shipping)

Email your request and shipping address to Pam Monroe at She will send instructions for you to mail a check ($5 for each book), made payable to the KSU Foundation.

Books can also be purchased in the Dean's Office, Room 127 Bluemont Hall.

It’s time to do some Coloring With the Cats!

The Art Education Program had some fun drawing the amazing sights of Kansas State University, which is said to be the most beautiful university campus in Kansas! We are a bit partial to the purple and white! Whether you are young or young at heart, you will enjoy holding those wonderful crayons, markers, and colored pencils and bringing each page in this coloring book to life with your own creativity. Tear the pages out and display them around your homes, schools, and businesses. Share the K-State Family!